Sunday, March 15, 2009


It is simple procedure to calculate the number of seeds in an apple, but who among us can ever say how many apples are in a seed? The answer is infinite – endless. That is what the abundant principle is all about: endlessness. If we have scarcity mentality, it means that we believe in scarcity, that we evaluate our life in terms of its lacks. The first step toward discarding a scarcity mentality involves
• giving thanks for everything that you are and everything that you have
• Whatever you focus your thoughts on expands
• You are it all already – you are already whole, already complete. Nothing outside of ourselves has the power to bestow happiness or fulfilment on us. What determines the quality of our life is our choice to be fulfilled or not, based upon how we think, how we view ourselves and our place in the universe. If you are a person who needs more in order to feel complete, then you still feel incomplete when you have acquired more.
• You cannot own anything. Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.
What do you think you are worth? You are divine – worth is measureless and abundant
What do you think you deserve? High level of happiness
What do you think is available for you? The abundance that came into their lives fitted perfectly with what they imagined themselves and no more.

Freedom and abundance
The universe simply flows. The water goes to the edge, and the land flows right out from it. The air and the water are not separated by boundaries, they coexist and flow into and with each other in perfect harmony. So freedom is what abundance is all about. Freedom is the absence of restrictions. The fish swims in the sea, the birds fly.. Abundance in human can only come about when the mind of mankind is likewise uncluttered by imagined limits. Freedom and control over my own destiny. Doing what you love - putting into practice
• Re-examine your resistance to doing what you love - There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love, there is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.
• If you refuse to change what you do, practice loving it each day
• Whatever you are currently against can be restated and rethought so as to promote abundance in your life. Working in a positive rather than a negative style. Eg. Instead of being against terrorism and war, try being for peace.
Some ideas for bringing abundance into your life
 Be against nothing - Emphasis on what you want rather than what dislike or what is missing
 Make an effort to be thankful for what you have and who you are
 Take some time to observe the ways in which you are using your mind.
 Focus on what you love than what is missing in the other person.
 Make a personal commitment to do what you love - to love what you do.
 Whatever you enjoy in your life, remind yourself, ‘ I deserve this’
 Softly and kindly remind yourself, ‘ I cannot own anything’
 Use affirmations as a regular part of your life
 Whenever you are tempted to give less, try giving a little extra instead.

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